Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Record Messages

For producing my video, my task was to gain permission by the artists record company or them themselves to respond. But through my luck of trying with messages and even tweets, I didn't receive a message.

Here are some screen shots from FaceBook. These are attempts to grab Avril Lavignes' records labels' attention so I could ask for permission to use her song in my work. I researched the Labels she has contracts with and found out there are RCA & EPIC records. Her very first record label was Sony.

I found Avril's record companies by researching her Official website,
But I did also discover that RCA and EPIC records have Twitter, so I tried to send them a message about my project, although, communicating through twitter is difficult because all messages have an 140 letter count. So attempting to explain in under 140 characters was too problematic, that was when I decided to turn to FaceBook. It was much easier for me to explain.
I did send out 5 emails in total to all labels because my email would be spread out and diverse then to just send it to one record label. It would increase the chance of somebody replying. Unfortunately, I did not get any messages back.


Today I've continued to finish my video and I do believe I've found several more shots that I will need to shoot to complete the whole film. Scenes that I need are small but filling, these will include;

  • Mid shot / extreme close up and pan of character holding a mug of liquid that the dream character will refuse.
  • Face shots of characters
  • Tumbles - long shot, mid shot.

Inside Wonderland

In this post I will display some screenshots of the programme in motion with stills of the video, menus and effects that I have chosen to insert so you're able to see the process of the music video




Alice Effects

These are some notes from what I've included in on my music video. 
There are quite a few effects that I've decided to include on one clip so before I forget, I've noted them down so that for every shot, they are the same, i.e the lip singing video has, 'Prism' and desaturated colours and the dream character has 'light rays' x2, desaturate, and 'glow.'

Menu of effects > In Image Control - Use saturate (Intensify colours) to desaturate (to get darker tones)
                            > In Glow - light rays - For location, long shot. 
                         >   in blur -prism, on character. desaturate & light rays. experimented with settings and glow, amount. add        two amounts of light rays to brighten and contrast picture (strong effect)
                            > In Blur  -Lip singing has ‘prism’ effect aswell as desaturate & saturate.

gloom is applied to zoom out location shot - within the trees
                          > In distort - I have used the 'distorted glass' effect on a small segment to create a relationship with the lyrics, as she speaks, ' when my worlds crashing down,' I'd like to distort the picture so the image is now a broken dream.

  • Transitions

> non-additive dissolve 
> cross zoom