Wednesday, 5 December 2012

New Narrative

My music video will have a similar concept of the video 'Alice' but I will use my own touch and techniques alongside props to make it my own.
I plan to use most of the camera angles to mix up my video as much as possible, these will include establishing shot and close-ups, but also I will use panning, hand held cam and 180 degree shots.
In one of the macro elements, sound, I will be including both diegetic and non-diegetic sound. This will make my video more realistic by showing the characters emotions i.e through a scream and/or quote, this will also emphasis the story visually and will amplify the lyrics showing more meaning and realism.

The narrative of my video is about a girl waking up in one of her dreams, not expecting that it would be a nightmare. The characters aim is to wake up but she will be distracted by strange characters offering strange foods and leading her into darker routes which when really, she desperately needs to get out and find a light, warm escape back into reality.

I will be including some of my friends to film this, so I have lots of different characters dressed and acting to make the video interesting. I am going to be using make up; dark and bold make up to create a surreal yet realistic effect to her dream world and video. I will paint my friends faces white, almost giving them a ghostly look, then I will line their eyes with different shapes and patterns with black shadows and eye liners.
In costume, I am using minimal colour to make the characters display slim and spindly almost like smoke. The use of black clothing which includes, leggings, t-shirts and jumpers will act as slippery, sly dream characters with the ability to disappear into the scenery giving a eerie feeling to the video.but this will also be effective when I include the sport of gymnastics. I myself am a gymnast, so I will be included on acting in the video either with a character or individually.

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